Looking for Active, Friendly Guild
My name is Taran, and I have around 18 months of Guild Wars experience. I'm looking for a guild of around 40-80 members who are active, social, and are willing to help and accept help from other members of the guild. I would like a guild with a website, prefferable a non-cluttered one. I live on the east coast, but am willing to join a Euro guild as well as any American based guild.
I have 5 level 20 characters, have beaten each campaign at least once, and am looking to meet a new group of people who play the game for similar reasons as I do. I haven't done any PvP in a while, so a guild that does casual GvG and AB's would be even more appealing to me. Just PM me on Guru, or add me to your friends list in game under Taran Shadon. Any time I'm on I'll always be willing to chat.